Friday, December 4, 2009

There is money for schools out there

There is money for schools out there but you must be able to show your potential advertisers and partners the value of working with you.

School districts are not set up like corporate media companies that structure themselves around advertising revenues. 
There are disadvantages to this but there are advantages too.

Learn to use your resources and measure what you can.  The big advantage of companies working with school districts are the advantage they get from the emotional response of the community.  People enjoy supporting companies that support them. 

The disadvantage is you have to work harder.  Tradition is not on your side.  You have to be vocal and you have to be innovative and you have to find ways to quantify results. 

If you have a Web site, anchor your metrics.  Find out your visitors, impressions, page views, and whether or not you can measure click-through's to an advertisers Web site.  This is the best and fastest way to get a steady stream of revenue flowing and a great way to get companies to trust that you are an authentic alternative to traditional advertising.

I'm going to add a weather widget to this blog.  Then, I'm going to see if we can do this on our Web site ( and see if we can get a sponsor for that.  If you want to look into this, there are two very popular Web sites with weather widgets that I trust. and  I don't know if it is viable to use their widgets on our site but I'm going to look into it.

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