Monday, October 24, 2011

PA announcements

While school districts are allowing for advertising to sneak into classrooms, hallways and on lockers, Orange County Public Schools has done a great job of keeping the advertising outside of those areas. 

One of my favorites:  PA announcements. 

Offering a package of two (2) PA announcements has brought in a lot of revenue with zero cost to the school district.  PA announcements can also be great added-value benefits to your other packages. 

Check out the PA announcements in the video and tell me it doesn't add to the atmosphere....  nobody likes dead air.  Not on the radio and not in a stadium:

More concessions

If you can identify your biggest games of the season, try this:

Get a measurable bassline for sales (i.e., past sales from similar games) - if you don't already do this, you should be doing it every season for every game.  An easy excel file with something like the following so you can measure what you can expect in the future (trending) like:
other events that day
team record
televised? Y/N
concession sales?

These questions will let you plan accordingly for future games.  The answers will help you do everything from staff better and not waste money on unneeded personal to be able to charge premium prices for outside companies that want access to your fans.  You can also take it to the next level and put vendors at your largest games. 

Think about this:  If you are a parent and you bring two of your children to come watch the oldest play in their home varsity game, do you want to get up out of your seat and have to coordinate a trip to the concession stands?  I mean bathrooms are tough enough.  You don't have an assigned seat and you may not want to lose your seats so it would be absolutely convenient if somebody came to you.  I bet you'll see your profits increase and you'll get positive feedback from your parents that don't want to get up and stand in the long lines.  And, admit it, it adds great atmosphere to hear the sound of somebody screaming "peanuts."

Friday, October 7, 2011

NBC's Nightly News with Brian Williams

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, story on Orange County Public Schools advertising programs for their EducationNation segment. Aired October 1, 2011

Placing a value on naming rights to stadiums

There are some simple formulas to help you valuate the naming rights to your stadiums. 

Here's some recent local coverage in the Orlando market.

First, channel 13 ran a story on advertising programs and naming rights.  It aired every hour on the news for two straight days (September 2-3, 2011). Anchored by Kelli Cook

Channel 9 story on advertising programs and naming rights, aired September 9-10, 2011.

Anchored by Q McCray