Thursday, June 16, 2011


Tebo Partnerships
Be aware.  Every summer companies start calling on local businesses in your area claiming that they are raising money for your schools.  They take thousands of dollars in and you don't see any of it. 

They call on companies when they think you're not paying attention and when the local businesses in your area can't verify the authenticity of their claims.  These scams are nation-wide. 

These companies survive off of two things:
1. That you don't care
2. That you won't know

There's ways to combat this.  Inform your school staffs, parents, and local chamber of commerce or any other business organizations or associations that if somebody claims they represent the schools or school district, make sure they authenticate that.  Give a phone number of a school representative.  Tell local businesses what companies you do authorize, if any, but more importantly lead them to your programs that you do yourself.  Give them the name of your boosters club or alumni association.
and don't forget.... CALL THE MEDIA.  They are great about these stories and actually do a great job of getting you free press.  It shows you are protecting their best interests and the television stations get great ratings because they look like the watchdogs in your community.... see an example where we (Orange County Public Schools) had a savvy investigative reporter help us.  He was real good.  He actually even got the States Attorney involved.

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